Monday, July 19, 2010

Panting With Sorrow

             Bravado I conquered thy yahoo!
             Yammering thy love considered martry amor.
              Bravo to you!
              Thy vitiating action irritates my unconcious mind.

                We declare scheme, binds us as one.
                You are like a rival to me.
                You hit me a rivet, I beg not.
                 Give me atleast as punch so I can breathe.

                  Punk, you often thought of me.
                  Fond of having of no ending war.
                  Mine is love, love full of sorrow.
                  Fair justice is what I protest.

                  Why can't you love me back?
                  You think it's odd?
                  That's all what I've been BEGGING from you.
                  Please do feel me.

                  You never see me being lax.
                   Peepy lady my mates thought of me.
                   Even to endure penury - no minding it.
                   As long I'm with your broaded shoulder, then I'm merry.

                  When will you love me?
                  My precious reddish pounding heart is keep waiting.
                  When will it be? tell me!?
                   I'm certain to willingly wait you.
                   Don't wait till,
                   My hair turns to gray;
                   'Till the raven turns white;
                   ' Till I'm done reading the thickest book I had.
                    Even everything turns amazingly different.
                    I will and I will and will never get tired of waiting.
                    Fix that huge heart with love.
                    I'm waiting and i will keep waiting.

                   I cried sorrowfully every moment I'm with you.
                   I long to hug and touch your body so badly.
                  You defile me and I cried.
                  Why? could'nt you share that love to me?

                  Refit our broken love like Fujiyama Mountain, so dearly to see.
                  Beautiful and a masterpiece.
                  Refrain it.
                 Without your love, I'm panting with sorrow.

                Love me like honey, never get rot.
                Drink me as if I'm the best wine on the temple.
                Shower me that love and make me holy.
                Like olive oil so smooth and lovely.

                My unfading love will never change.
                For you are my life no one can snatch.
                I'm all yours and you are all mine.
                Let's make love and cherish every bit of this martyr love.

                Show that you  love me too.
                Uncover that exquisite love you have intended FOR me.
                Make me your diamond so precious and a gold that never fades.
                Just do it and I will be merry.

                Mourn it was be.
                Fact it was be.
                Merry I was be.
                Unsatisfied craving!
                You know how and what it was be?

Sept.6, 1869
Madrid, Spain
Green Mansion

Victor (speaking Spanish):  

Antes de dejar este mundo maravilloso de la plena miseria.
Permítanme darles la oportunidad pronunciar esta sensación de temblor que he estado guardando dentro de mi corazón.
Supongo que usted estará contento de oír esto y pido que te quedes hermosa como tú siempre estás conmigo.

(Before leaving this wonderful full of misery world. Let me give a chance to utter this trembling feeling I have been keeping inside my heart. I suppose you'll be glad hearing this and beg you to stay beautiful as you are always to me.)


You know that I love you so much.
Never I defile you and I will always carry this vow `till death do we part.


I will never leave you with sorrow in your heart again.
I can't afford of losing you as you will always stay here in my heart.
I make sure to give you everything that I may have left.
I'm apologizing for what I've done.
For letting you suffer for loving me so much.
How could I've been so naive.
You thought that I never felt your martyr love?
You were all wrong.
I love you since the first day I have met you.
I wish I could turn back time.
I know it's never too late to refrain our intimate love story.
Though I'm extremely broken externally but I am not that weak to let you feel  my love.
And my heart will always be yours and yours will always be mine.
I love you  Dorothy.
Promise me to take good care of our offspring.
 I'll bring  this love in heaven for it is eternally meant for us.
Thank you for your unfading love.
Gracias and Te amo my darling Dorothy.


Lord I'm begging with all my heart to please not to take him away from me.
This is all what I've been asking for.
Bring him back and I promise to love him even  more.


My darling Dorothy!
Stop crying! It's our destiny so let's just be it.
Our love is inseparable.
A love full of pride for I am proud and blessed to have you in my life.
No regrets at all.
I will miss you darling Dorothy.


I cried and kissed him intimately.
Never forget my love for he knows my heart passionately.
I want to be with him now.
I'm old and I'm tired.
I want to rest with him.
Lord take me away and feel your love, an everlasting love.
Like what I had encountered with Victor.
I'm panting sorrowfully in the present so dont let me suffer.
GET ME!!! I'm begging!
I made my six children grew with good conduct.
I made everything you want me to be.
All I want now is to rest, to rest with you and with Victor my love.


                                                  ........................................To be Continued.........................................




   Inside of me is what not others sees outside of me. What I have is what they don't have. I'm good they're not. I'm loved and love more. I can let you in but if hurting is your motive, then better get lost. You have no space here in my heart forevermore. Who are you anyway? You are just a mess. You're a no good person. Better yet leave me and find someone who can satisfy your selfish craving desires.

   One person told me once that he sees potentials in me to be a writer. a compliment I should've never be forgotten. An inspiration indeed. I'm not really into writing since then. But now BOOM! I'm craving it and pushing myself even more.  Some may like it others wont. If they will put unlawful derogatory feedbacks about my article then be it. Opinions are welcome but make sure it won't bite me and especially no hitting below the belt. It is also considered as huge part of an article for it will help you attest your ability. Negative comments sometimes help you recognize on things you thought was been very odd. Nevertheless, it's still in me ho will explore my inner being to what I really what to become in my life. Only me and my creator knows what's best to become. A combinations of two makes a trash into a masterpiece. (It means that if you have God in your life you will never be a vagabond and can eventually be a person full of potentials.)

   I hate palying. I hate faking me so think what is best for you for tomorrow you're dead. Have me for who I am but never love and comfort me for who I am not. I'm sick and tired of your allibis. Just please stay away from me and die. You hurt me that much. I cried and think of revenge but God told me "not now my son". My time is still coming. Be prepared of no ending huge war. A battle that you lose. for this war is mine. i will stab and throw you to a river full of fire and I'll laugh like a devil of no ending happiness.  You deserved more than this. You are cruel. I defile you. You ruin my life. Go and never return you damn moron. Baid you goodbye and wish you a luck.

- This is felimon's story before he became a successful writer. - 
- Experiences which will teach us to be more concern to ourselves and awareness to people feelings. -


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sound of Pride

Who would have thought of something you wouldn't expect to happen? Am I really good? I just can't tell how happy I am hearing those compliments from close mates. If I am that excellent it,  then I should improve it more.I couldn't believe it that there are people who can appreciate a simple work like what I did. Are they telling the truth? or they are just trying to encourage me so that i could improve what they thought is meant for me. Well, if thats their intentions, then that is actually indeed a huge pride in my part. Most of the time I tend to make myself more isolated.I Just don't like to communicate to people who I'm not at ease of talking. Maybe I am just afraid of what might they will think of me. Is it a self-pity? what do you think?You think so? Then why?  For all you know I like talking but don't know how. I like to entertain people but still dont know how. Why I'm acting this way? Is there something wrong in me? I just put it all in a dream, a possible dream. So I set a pen and paper and do write what all i have in mind. That's the only way I could make them appreciate the real me. Apparently there is no other way. I'm begging with all my heart to please offer your genuine heart to help me find solutions to all of this.