Monday, July 19, 2010


   Inside of me is what not others sees outside of me. What I have is what they don't have. I'm good they're not. I'm loved and love more. I can let you in but if hurting is your motive, then better get lost. You have no space here in my heart forevermore. Who are you anyway? You are just a mess. You're a no good person. Better yet leave me and find someone who can satisfy your selfish craving desires.

   One person told me once that he sees potentials in me to be a writer. a compliment I should've never be forgotten. An inspiration indeed. I'm not really into writing since then. But now BOOM! I'm craving it and pushing myself even more.  Some may like it others wont. If they will put unlawful derogatory feedbacks about my article then be it. Opinions are welcome but make sure it won't bite me and especially no hitting below the belt. It is also considered as huge part of an article for it will help you attest your ability. Negative comments sometimes help you recognize on things you thought was been very odd. Nevertheless, it's still in me ho will explore my inner being to what I really what to become in my life. Only me and my creator knows what's best to become. A combinations of two makes a trash into a masterpiece. (It means that if you have God in your life you will never be a vagabond and can eventually be a person full of potentials.)

   I hate palying. I hate faking me so think what is best for you for tomorrow you're dead. Have me for who I am but never love and comfort me for who I am not. I'm sick and tired of your allibis. Just please stay away from me and die. You hurt me that much. I cried and think of revenge but God told me "not now my son". My time is still coming. Be prepared of no ending huge war. A battle that you lose. for this war is mine. i will stab and throw you to a river full of fire and I'll laugh like a devil of no ending happiness.  You deserved more than this. You are cruel. I defile you. You ruin my life. Go and never return you damn moron. Baid you goodbye and wish you a luck.

- This is felimon's story before he became a successful writer. - 
- Experiences which will teach us to be more concern to ourselves and awareness to people feelings. -


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