Friday, May 14, 2010

_Should I BE PROUD?_

"Everytime we hear something about money, we really thought that it's the solution of everything. It's partly correct but there are some that cannot be solve by money. some are rich by birth because of their family background, but most of them are not happy. They feel empty even they have wealth. They are looking for something that can make them happy. Generally speaking most are prone to drug addiction but not all. Even those in need. Anyways, I'll be tackling more about how we can survive in every trials we had been in life. As i experienced it all I can say is lets hold on to God. We need to find things will help us. Seems like having a stayble job or atleast a minimum salary. We can survive through this but we cannot make it possible to happen if we are just waiting for a miracle. we need to move. Put it into action. It's like having faith without action for it was death. So in my part I never deny the fact that I'm one of those whose been suffering from any scarcity. For me to still be happy I need to help myself. Pursue something which can help me. Find a job to finance my needs. Job hunting nowadays is very hard. For you to find it you need to be patient and be determined. Never give up. Keep going."

It was a sunny afternoon when I started to prepare myself for job hunting. As I
expected most of them didn’t give me a chance to be part of their company. Its okay! Being neglected is actually part of growing up as individual. It will give you learning and lessons to take on. After Labor Day (MAY 12, 2010) a job fair was open, conducted by the DOLE (Department of Labor and Employment) held at the mall. We are only given five companies to apply."Maam can i ask something,can't we make it more than five? I asked. She said "NO". So I started searching those companies that are interested in me. There are a lot of options to choose to. But I choose the best that's really suites my capabilities.

When i went back inside the mall I am so amazed to what I saw. There are many hopeful whose been very eager and desperate for a new job. Some tried to just try their luck. Let just faith decide the outcome "BAHALA NA" as what most people termed it. I am proud too that I did The same thing. I just try my luck. I didn't expect too much from it. I just want to feel how it feels like searching for something you could've ever hard to find. I just want to evaluate myself if I can make it my own. It was very memorable and enjoyable experience I had, I suppose. Sweat been falling. Though It's very cold inside but still we're sweating, Isn't that irretating. It was actualy my first time in a job fair. I never thought it would gonna look like what I thought it would be. I just Couldn't believe how I handle myself during an inteview. I hate job interview. I have this phobia called xenophobia (stage fright). For me to improve I need to undergo process, training, and self-assesment. In line to this it's seem very inspiring to realize how you can see yourself in a situation where you can't even handle it. Up to now I seems can't resist it, can't even lessen it, I just don't know. I even find ways to atleast lessen it. I did check the internet, tried some alternative but none did work. And I consider it the reason why oftentimes I failed during interview. Well, how i wish i could broke it like a spell and can vanish it all the way. Until lifetimne, I hope. I just leave it to God.

During those time I prepared five resume and a junk one, but not junk totally. When I'm done passing them I only have one left and that is my junk resume. It came to my mind to try to pass it. When my turns came for the interview I'm shaking and trembling. When she started asking me questions I just answered her what I have in mind. So I did. Luckily i made it successfully. I texted my siblings to tell them about the good news which is my new job. I went back home with a smile in my face atleast I can made it sometimes.


I woke up early and prepared myself, and i came early at the office. We're like almost 30 hopefuls. Two sets of exam were given, Essay and Arithmetical Problem. Al pressures were in us at that time, feelin' not so okay, a mixture of something we can't even define. Afterwards a manager came out. She seems very kind of nice and very understanding. VERY CLEVER. When were done, we then scheduled to comeback after elections for our three days training without pay.


Same thing I did as like to my exam day. I still came early. This time was quite different because we are in outfit. We're wearing white polo shirt tucked in with black belt, black leather shoes without shoelace, and a new haircut. It was very surprising for us for it was not the same thing our manager said during conference. We are all shocked. The job seems very hard to me. It doesn't fit to me at all. It Doesn't fit to my capabilities at all. When we're halfway through, we now understood the nature of the said responsbility that was given to us. They explain what are the assignment during shift. I find it very hard and very tiring but it's another challenge to me. I need to challenge myself sometimes so that I'll have learnings and lessons to take on. I'll face it as long as I can. There are no easy job to someone whose in need. Determination and patience should always prevail. Let's Enjoy our life. God will bless us.

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